The work of Internationale Flugambulanz e.V. stretches far beyond caring for its members
Our association is committed to helping others, and has supported many projects over the past few years. International humanitarian aid is just as important to us as sponsoring regional associations and supporting local institutions.Um anderen zu helfen, hat unser Verein auch in den letzten Jahren zahlreiche Projekte unterstützt. Internationale humanitäre Hilfe ist uns dabei genauso wichtig wie z. B. das Sponsern regionaler Vereine oder die Unterstützung örtlicher Einrichtungen.

Support of the Alfons Goppel Foundation
The IFA has contributed to the education of underprivileged Ecuadorian schoolchildren and supported public institutions in Ecuador through the Alfons Goppel Foundation since 1992.
Aid for Belarus
In 1992, the IFA organized the largest aid project in postwar history for Belarus with the two district chapters of the German Red Cross in Leipzig.
Further aid projects were also carried out in cooperation with other organizations between 1993 and 1995.
Since 1995, the IFA has organized expert conferences on current topics in emergency medicine.
Seit 1995 veranstaltete die IFA Fachkongresse zu aktuellen Themen aus der Notfallmedizin
Aid project for children injured by landmines in Sarajevo
In the summer of 1997, the IFA embarked on one of its largest aid projects since it was founded.
After making contact with UNESCO Special Ambassador Ute Ohoven, a team of IFA doctors launched an immediate aid program for children injured by landmines in Sarajevo. This involved delivering long-awaited specialist doctors and an extensive range of medical equipment to the Bosnian capital in what became known as the “air lift of hope”.
The IFA doctors received great recognition from all levels of society. Even Michael Schumachervisited the affected area in his role as a UNESCO Special Ambassador, and praised the work of the IFA.
UNESCO were also impressed by the success of the operation, and signed a contract in 1998 to work closely with the IFA in Bosnia. This reflects not only a significant event in the history of the association, but also wide recognition of our worldwide humanitarian activities.
Auch die UNESCO würdigte den Einsatz der IFA und schloss 1998 mit ihr einen Vertrag über eine enge Zusammenarbeit in Bosnien ab. Dies ist nicht nur ein bedeutender Höhepunkt in der Vereinsgeschichte, sondern eine hohe Anerkennung unserer weltweiten humanitären Aktivitäten.
The IFA will continue to support humanitarian projects and people in need around the world.